Free Spring Break Workshops for MCCCD Students

Ever wanted to make your own earrings? Weld together a hanging plant stand? Build a Bluetooth Speaker? Or learn how to 3D Print? Join us at the GWCC Makerspace for the annual Spring Training workshop series during Spring Break, March 10-13th. This event is free for all students enrolled at any college in the Maricopa County Community College District.

Choose from more than a dozen fun, project-based workshops designed for makers of all skill levels. You’ll learn how to use the powerful tools and equipment in areas like welding, wood working, jewelry making, sewing, electronics and more! Plus, we’ve added extra orientations so you can use our tools and equipment for your future projects.

Ready to sign up? Click the button below to choose the classes you’d like to take based on your interest and availability. Space is limited, and classes will be filled in on a first come, first serve basis.

Workshop Schedule

Workshops will be held throughout the day during normal operating hours, 1pm-9pm. Scroll down to see the details of each available workshop, or see a calendar view.


Get acquainted with Phoenix Forge and learn important policies and practices with the tools and equipment in our various work areas. You’ll need these orientations to keep working at the makerspace on your own projects after Spring Training. 

  • Metal Shop Orientation: 1-3pm
  • Wood Shop Orientation: 1:30-3:30pm
  • Intro to Jewelry 2-4pm
  • Sewing Basics – Oven Mitt: 2-4pm
  • Welding Orientation: 3-5pm
  • New Member Orientation: 4-5pm
  • Prototyping Orientation: 5-6pm


This class will provide makers, both new or experienced, with the basic knowledge and skills needed to begin using laser cutters in their making processes. This class will include an introduction into how laser cutters work, file creation and preparation for laser cutting and laser cutter operation. After this class, you will be ready to start using laser cutters for your own prototyping and projects needs!

This course is an introduction to the lathe. This course will provide a comprehensive overview of lathe safety and the fundamentals of turning wood. This course is three hours in length and will guide each student through the safe and proper usage of the lathe while creating their own wooden votive holder. After the completion of the Lathe Orientation you will gain access to and the ability to reserve time on the lathe. To attend this class you will be required to have closed-toed (safety-toe recommended), pants, and a shirt. You will be provided additional PPE in the course.

Students will fabricate a steel, geometric plant holder with removable insert to hang on a wall. They will use the shear, horizontal bandsaw, MIG welders and angle grinders to complete the project.


This course is an introduction to the metal working tools available for member use at Phoenix Forge. This course will provide a comprehensive overview of shop safety and procedures as well as best practices for each stationary power tool.

This class will provide makers, both new or experienced, with the basic knowledge and skills needed to begin using 3D printers. This class will include an introduction into how the 3D printing process works, object file types, preparing your file for printing, and starting your print on one of our 3D printers.

An introduction to the wood working tools available for use at Phoenix Forge. Emphasis on proper safety protocol, shop procedures, appropriate use of machine tools, and best practices when choosing wood as a medium to create. This class will provide time for students to create a small woodworking project to demonstrate safe use of equipment. To attend this class you will be required to have closed-toed (safety-toe recommended), pants, and a shirt. You will be provided additional PPE in the course.

Learn and practice many basic sewing skills, such as: accurate measuring and cutting, constructing and sewing a pocket, learn how to accurately stitch and press your project, and how to sew and reinforce straps.

This course will provide an overview of welding safety and the fundamentals of MIG welding. During the two hour class, students will learn the safe and proper usage of the MIG welders including how to set-up the equipment.  Students will practice different MIG welding techniques using a variety of different joints. To attend this class you will be required to have closed toed shoes and pants.


Make your own wooden stool using computerized wood working equipment (Note: This is a 4.5 hour class)

This course covers the safety and basic fundamentals that go behind using a CNC Router. Providing a comprehensive overview of the software Aspire, learn how to set up and produce a digital file for a CNC machine. You will also learn how to set up and calibrate the ShopBot to your specific material dimensions. This class covers all the steps involved in order to have the machine produce your final product.  The first half will cover the software aspect and the second half will be covering machine setup.


Students will make a pair of textured sterling silver circle earrings with hand formed earring wires, using a disc cutter, texturing hammers, and needle nose pliers.

Assemble your own 3D-printed rechargeable Bluetooth speaker with custom embossed grilles, while learning about the components that bring this exciting DIY project to life!

Ready to start making?

Click the button below to make your workshop selections and secure your spot

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